Antisemitism in Muslim communities is connected to Islamophobia and to global Muslim identities but very often hardly differs from traditional anti-Semitic stereotypes within the majority society.…
The aim of this paper is to deal with three major controversial concepts: Migration, Islam, and The West. In fact, European countries since years ago have witnessed waves of migration coming from…
The established face-to-face trainings are limited in various ways. A team of education experts explores web-based strategies, that need to be designed to facilitate the process of deradicalization…
The issue of cultural awareness adds to the complexity of the issue. It is important to acknowledge that what is considered appropriate behaviour in one culture it may not be appropriate in another.…
This program is an educational package offered to schools in order to discuss "othering", stereotyping, discrimination, diversity, identity and exclusionism in class. A pilot is currently being…
The impact of the First Crusade proclaimed by Pope Urban II in 1095 during his sermon at Clermont, France goes beyond the historic fall of Jerusalem from Muslim hand to the Western Christians. It was…
The article uses discourse analysis theory to examine othering and the construction of the West in history textbook articulations using two events as cases. The Ancient Greek battle of Thermopylae is…
This paper proposes a scheme for further research into the problem and attempts at an overview of Greek and Roman conceptions of the 'East' and the implications that such conceptions may have entailed…
American and Western victims of violence by Muslims are endlessly mourned, while Muslim victims of American and Western violence are completely disappeared. It creates the impression among Western…
The aim of this article is to discuss othering discourses on Islam in Swedish-language dailies in Finland on the basis of the debate following the cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. These discourses…
To the extent that Islamophobia shapes government policy in the U.S. and Europe, it poses a significant threat to the civil liberties of millions of Muslims who now live in Western countries. To exlor…
Political leaders of pluralistic nations have been at pains to disassociate the Islamic State and radical extremism with moderate Islam. By their consistent use of specific religious terminology with…
The stability of a democratic system ultimately depends on the successful political integration of all of its future citizens, whether they are Muslim or not. The author consequently discusses a…
The lack of distinction between Islam as a religious model, and Muslim-influenced cultural and political practices leads to a misunderstanding, which textbooks of European countries strenghten by…