This paper illustrates the strategies via which moderate European parties can reclaim voters from right-wing populist parties, as much as it shows in which way media reporting and public sentiments…
How do young people understand the concept of active citizenship and to what extent are they ready to become involved in citizenship activities? Are citizenship activities linked with young people's…
The EFS project aims at transferring good-practice approaches in prevention of right-wing extremism, hate crime and group-focused enmity to the respective national contexts. This project develops and…
We aim at a conference, which includes workshops, mainly between actors of Greek and German civil society. Main topic is the trauma of WWII in Greece, and the unknown history of the destroyed villages…
This active simulation deals with the general topic "Where Now for Europe?" and plans strategies against Right Wing Populism. At this workshop young people will have the opportunity to gain insights…
We understand Holocaust education, human rights education, and citizenship education as closely interrelated, as they address issues that sometimes differ, sometimes overlap with different approaches.…
In course of the greece crisis, Christopher Alessi and James McBride look back on the historical origin of the EU. Their view is focused on the economical Aspects. They explain where "euroscepticism"…
This article is a lexical entry. It gives a defintion of "Multiculturalism": "is a body of thought in political philosophy about the proper way to respond to cultural and religious diversity. Mere…
Europe is divided between the northern creditor countries and the southern debtors, argues Kemal Dervis in his article: "Can We Stop The Fragmentation Of Europe?". He considers this partition in…
The financial crisis was painful for many EU members. In course of this, Kupchan writes, that we are experiencing a new "renationalization". Many Europeans don't believe in the greater good of a…
Some years ago, it looked like "multiculturalism" was the answer to Europe's social problems. But today in Germany as in Britain, the consequence of multiculturalist policies was social fragmentation,…
This articel argues that every supernational organization has to face its incompatibility with national souvereignty. The autor asserts that national sovereignty implies international…
Jeffrey Sachs argues that a financial crisis is caused by a country’s excessive indebtedness, which generally reflects a combination of mismanagement by the debtor country, over-optimism,…
Mauro F. Guillén argues that europe from an aging population to outdated immigration policies has far bigger challenges ahead. This article figures out that europe has bigger problems than the euro.…