What do we have? | NECE - Networking European Citizenship Education | bpb.de
What do we have?
NECE 2015 (bpb)
All ppp marked with the 2015 NECE-Logo are developed in conection with the NECE-conference. (bpb) Lizenz: cc by-nc-nd/3.0/de/
All ppp marked with the 2015 NECE-Logo are developed in conection with the NECE-conference. (bpb) Lizenz: cc by-nc-nd/3.0/de/
On this page we present to you a variety of papers, projects and publications that are related to the main topics of the NECE Conference 2015. NECE 2015 focuses on the phenomenon of "Othering", meaning "The process of perceiving or portraying someone or something as fundamentally different or alien." Creating identity by distinction of "others" is typically human behaviour but also a challenge for Citizenship Education.
The purpose of this collection is not only to give you the opportunity to get an insight into the current research on the field of "othering" and its different manifestations but also, it allows researchers, multipliers and the participants of the conference to cooperate on different projects, that are planned or are still in progress. With this collection are we trying to give you an alternative form of conference documentation. It serves as an open and expandable collection of conference results.
You too are encouraged to share topic related information or your own projects, papers and publications by filling out the form Interner Link: linked here. Take part in forming a vital collection that continues to grow in the aftermath of the conference!