What methods and concepts are there for prompting young people’s interest in citizenship education and reinforcing active participation in society? What differences are there between European and North African projects?
Project Presentations
teamGLOBAL/ Young European Professionals (Germany)
teamGLOBAL is a network of young people who are trained to plan and facilitate peer2peer workshops on globalisation topics such as migration, climate change, global governance and economic growth. The Young European Professionals are a network of young people operating all over Germany admitting to the principles of peer education and participation.
presented by Andreas Christ, YEP (Germany)
& Marlene Grauer, teamGLOBAL (Germany)
Interner Link: Factsheet Young European Professionals / teamGLOBAL (162 KB)
Interner Link: Factsheet teamGLOBAL (159 KB)
"I'm a Moroccan citizen": The project aims at developing a sense of national pride in Moroccan youth and encouraging them to take responsibility for their communities by participating in politics, environmental issues, and civic activities.
presented by M’hamed En-Nosse, ASUEEJ (Morocco)
Interner Link: Factsheet I’m a Moroccan Citizen (229 KB)
Introduction & Moderation:
Susanne Ulrich, Center for Applied Policy Research (Germany)
Interner Link: Rinze Broekema, ProDemos (the Netherlands)