Web 2.0 has changed interest and participation in political and social developments. The enormous dissemination potential of the Net makes it possible to reach many different populations, even transnationally. The upheavals in the North African countries were not least also called ‘Facebook revolutions’, although the degree of influence is disputed. How, though, can political interest/engagement on the Net be used constructively for active political action? What contribution can citizenship education make in order to use the diversity of new forms of participation effectively, but also to estimate their limits realistically?
Inputs by
Thorsten Schilling, Federal Agency for Civic Education (Germany)
Interner Link: Mahmoud Salem, Sandmonkey (Egypt)
Introduction & Moderation:
Gregor Hackmack, Abgeordnetenwatch.de (Germany)
Interner Link: Tom Kunzler, ProDemos (the Netherlands)