"The Celluloid Curtain - Europe's Cold War in Film" herunterladen als:
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The Celluloid Curtain - Europe's Cold War in Film Curators Oliver Baumgarten and Nikolaj Nikitin in Conversation
The Curators of the film series "The Celluloid Curtain", Oliver Baumgarten and Nikolaj Nikitin, explain the fascination of European spy films of the Cold War.
Oliver Baumgarten und Nikolaj Nikitin, the curators of the film series "The Celluloid Curtain", talk about lonely spies, beautiful women, fast cars, pulp fiction and ideological trench warfare in the European spy films of the Cold War – with clips from films of the period made in both the East and the West.
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Kamera: Peter Weigl
Schnitt: Peter Weigl
Sprecher: Carsten Wilhelm
Redaktion: Aimée Torre Brons, Martin Hager
Produktion: 30.03.2011
Spieldauer: 10 Min.
hrsg. von: Goethe-Institut London
Verfügbar bis: 31.12.2035
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